- To see floor plans with locations and names for rooms, click on "Floor Plans" in the Main Menu.
- Click on "Room Calendar" in Main Menu.
- Click on the "Room" tab at the top right corner.
- Click on the "Maximize" toggle button in the extreme top right corner of the calendar.
(To see Main Menu again, click on the "Maximize" toggle button again.)
- Maximize your browser window, or, stretch it as wide as possible on your computer monitor.

- Click on "Today" button at top left in order to see today's calendar.
- Click on arrow tabs to left of "Today" button to move back and forward one day at a time.
(If the "Week" or "Month" view is active the calendar will move one week or month at a time.)
(The "Week" and "Month" view is selected by the tabs in the top right corner.)
- To navigate quickly to a specific date, week or month, use the "Mini Calendar Navigator" to the right of the "Today" button. Click on it and then click on the desired date you wish to see.
- Simply double click on any event.
- Click on the Adobe PDF button in the top left corner.
A PDF file will be generated with the calendar page you are currently viewing.
This feature has not been tested to see how the final PDF appears.
- Please contact the Booking Coordinator with the following information:
- Name of Event
- Event Date
- Event Start Time
- Room Desired
- Room Needed from Setup Time to End Time
- Event to occur: once, weekly, monthly, on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, etc.
- If Recurring Event, please schedule until this date: _______
- Organization:
Trinity Lutheran - English
Trinity Lutheran - Mandarin
Trinity Lutheran - Rental (Weddings/Elections/etc)
St John's Richmond Church
Mount Royal Music
Brighthouse Education
- Name of person requesting booking: ____________
- Contact info (email and/or phone number)